DIY Compost Bins

Whether you are trying to make a swoon-worthy flower bed or just trying to turn your food scraps into something valuable, a compost bin is extremely useful. Compost is the most important food for depleted soil of your lawn or garden that will fuel plant growth and also help you recycle your food waste in a responsible way. Through composting, you can save the environment and your pockets by creating rich compost in your own backyard. Composting might be a novel concept for many but there are some easy tips you can follow if you are building it for the first time or are just trying to streamline your existing one.
The first step to building your compost bin is identifying your specific requirements based on where you live, what you intend to compost and whether you want to turn your compost manually. You can also go for a compost heap but bins are always better since they are cleaner, keep vermin out and conserve heat better. Depending on the compostable material you wish to generate you can pick the size of your bin accordingly when buying or building one.
The next thing you need to consider is the location, someplace where the bin would not be disturbed and free of vermin. A location that is flat with adequate sunlight and drainage will help the composting process. You would then need to start layering your bin with the requisite material to create your compost, the first layer should be made of coarse material that allows for better aeration and drainage like twigs and dried husk. After the initial layer is fixed you just need to alternate between layers of nitrogen-rich material and carbon-rich materials. Finding the correct nitrogen carbon ratio is extremely important for the health of the compost and in turn how beneficial it can be for your soil. The ideal ratio is 30:1, 30 parts carbon for 1 part nitrogen.
Accumulated yard waste along with selective kitchen waste generated in your homes can also be added to the compost heap. It is also important to maintain the correct level of moisture as excess water could slow down the composting process and hence all food scraps must always be accompanied by a drier brown layer. Continue to add layers until the bin is full as the composting process would gradually make the heap shrink. After all of this is done, you can harvest your compost when it becomes dark and crumbly and smells like natural earth.
Sprinkle your lawn or garden with this compost a few times a year and watch your plants thrive. Compost is an aphrodisiac for your plants and it can work wonders to enrich depleted soil better than chemical fertilizers. Composting is an easy way to get rid of waste we generate in our homes and create something fruitful and positive with it.
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